Since 1998, we have fostered appreciation and proactive planning for the preservation of Spring Lake’s unique architectural, cultural and natural significance.


Our Mission

The Preservation Alliance of Spring Lake  (PASL) was formed in 1998 in response to the threatened destruction of the Frederic A. Duggan Memorial First Aid and Emergency Squad Building on Washington Avenue. The Building, built and used exclusively from 1929 to 2004 as a First Aid/Emergency Station, is the oldest of its kind in the United States.

Through the combined efforts of the Alliance, the Town Council and many other community organizations the Duggan Memorial First Aid and Emergency Squad Building has been restored for public use and has achieved placement on the National and New Jersey Registries of Historic Sites. It is now proudly referred to as Duggan Hall.

Born as part of a grass-roots desire to maintain the historic character of Spring Lake, the Alliance has continued to take action on behalf of preservation. The Alliance has succeeded in the enactment of a Preservation Element within the Town’s Master Plan.

Each year for the past twelve years the Alliance has hosted an awards ceremony to recognize those homes and buildings in Spring Lake which have been restored or preserved to retain the historic and architectural integrity of the structure. 

The Preservation Alliance meets on the third Thursday of every month at 7:30 PM in Duggan Hall on Third Avenue. Everyone is welcome to attend.

As Cicero said, “Memory is the Treasury and Guardian of all Things.”


Scenes of Spring Lake

Take a Look back at spring lake's
early pavillions

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some interesting links

Check out the videos below that reinforce the core values in our mission: historic preservation and building community through historic preservation.